Former FLYLEAF Frontwoman LACEY STURM Announces Solo Album Debut, 'Life Screams'

October 30, 2015

Three years after amicably parting ways with FLYLEAF, singer Lacey Sturm is independently releasing her highly anticipated solo debut, "Life Screams", in early 2016 on Followspot Records with The Fuel Music distribution. The first single from this set of urgent, anthemic and lyrically timely rock, "Impossible", debuts exclusively on SiriusXM's Octane (channel 37) Sunday, November 1, at 1:00 p.m. EST, and goes immediately into rotation thereafter. On November 6, the single will be available on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon, and goes to rock radio for adds November 9.

"Impossible" screams the return of the voice and songwriter who delivered rock anthems like "Again", "All Around Me", "I'm So Sick" and "Fully Alive" to the top of the retail and radio charts. The debut solo single from Lacey blasts out the optimistic chorus: "Every morning I see another miracle / I can't believe I'm living the impossible / We are the sign and we are the wonder / Another day of living the impossible."

"I was listening to the radio one day and I said to myself, 'If I hear one more song telling people to kill themselves and go to hell, I'm going to have to put a record out!'" exclaims Lacey. "I just think it would be a good thing to have a voice in the mix of all the hopelessness that actually gives you a light at the end of the tunnel; a voice that's still honest about the pain and struggle, but can also scream, 'Hey, wake up and be alive because there's hope!'"

Approaching her latest creative phase with newfound perspective and appreciation, Lacey adds: "I really started to value my relationships and the people around me. We started as a group of artists in our hometown of Pittsburgh and 'Life Screams' was kind of an accident."

Out of this new artist community, Lacey's live band organically formed and features her husband, Josh Sturm (guitars),as well as Tom Gascon (drums) and Ben Hull (bass). Together, they have already performed for crowds in the tens of thousands and are booked for major rock festivals in 2016.

While music fans wait for the tour dates to be announced, Lacey engaged her extensive social community on an Instagram scavenger hunt yesterday for a cover art reveal contest. One piece of the puzzle was featured on Lacey's Instagram while eight additional square pieces of the new cover were hidden across Instagram's platform. The first one to find and stitch together the nine images, tagging the cover #LIFESCREAMS, will receive a signed copy of Lacey's audiobook, "The Reason".

Sturm last year opened up about some of the reasons why she quit FLYLEAF in the fall of 2012, shortly before the release of the band's third album, "New Horizons". Speaking in a video to promote her memoir, Sturm said that several events, including getting married, having a baby and enduring the death of the band's sound engineer Rich Caldwell changed her priorities.

Sturm explained: "The one that hit the hardest was the death of our sound engineer. We did one last show with FLYLEAF as a benefit for his wife Katy and their son Kirby. And it was really hard to do a show without him, and it was really hard to think it could be our last show. So I remember looking at my son after Rich had passed and just wondering to myself, if this was the last year I had with my son, how would I spend it?"

Sturm added: "It was really amazing to recognize this season changing in my life and the freedom that I was gonna be able to focus on my family. And I'm so thankful for that time. And although it was really hard, I'm thankful. And that's the reason I stepped down from FLYLEAF."

FLYLEAF recruited singer Kristen May as Sturm's replacement and released its fourth album, "Between The Stars", in September 2014.

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